Executive Board Position Descriptions
Liaison between the Alumni Council, Business Mentor, and Professor/Staff Mentor.
Oversee RES activity and delegate tasks and duties.
Manage outreach to outside organizations.
Create Constitution and by-laws.
Retain contact with members.
Lead bi-weekly Executive Board Meetings and Guest Speaker Events.
Prepare meeting agendas.
File necessary forms with Student Life and Leadership, Associated Students, and SDSU Catering (Event Approval Requests for Guest Speaker Events, Executive Board Meetings, and tabling events; Catering Waiver Form).
Work with Director of TCMRE to pick the team for NAIOP University Challenge
Vice President:
Assist the President in society operation
Assist the Finance Director and Professional Development Director in fundraising activities
Lead Executive Board Meetings and guest speaker events if the president is unable to do so
Help advise executive decisions and help other positions be successful in their areas
Communicate with NAIOP, BIA, and ULI (Shayan) for memberships and or attendance for students
Overview objectives of each position and make sure the team is making deadlines and fulfilling their responsibilities
Communicate weekly with sponsorship and finance director to receive updates on budgets and sponsorships
Communicate internship opportunities at Tuesday meetings
Be active meeting members and greeting everyone
Communicate with the team on how they are doing and provide positive feedback and motivation
Finance Director:
Manage society account: budget, spending, and sponsorship.
Collect membership and sponsorship dues.
Create a budget using Current AS balance reports and keep accounts in good standing.
Report current financial standing at each Executive Board Meeting with detailed budgets.
Fill out and submit check request reimbursement forms to AS for approved society expenses.
Marketing Director:
Support the culture and identity of the Real Estate Society and carry out all of The Real Estate Society’s marketing activities and media requirements.
Send out the weekly newsletter via MailChimp detailing all upcoming guest speakers, case studies, socials, and industry events, as well as recapping the prior week.
Send emails on Sunday to inform the “ALL Newsletter” of the Tuesday night guest speaker event and the Friday case study.
Make flyers for the email blast in an application called “Canva”
Speak with Programs Directors to get bio and headshot of the guest speaker and information and picture of case study project by Sunday.
Get the RSVP link to provide in the email from Membership Directors for the case study. Must advertise that case studies are exclusively for paid members.
Constantly check the Wix notifications to see if there are people who have subscribed to our newsletter.
Update the website weekly to advertise all upcoming events and display all prior activities with pictures.
Come up with innovative ways to spread the word about the Real Estate Society.
Create print flyers for tabling events
Post on own social media while at a real estate society event
Post social media “stories” on Instagram and Facebook
Work with Membership Director(s) in maintaining an up-to-date record of current paid members.
Organize and participate in tabling events each semester.
Membership Director:
Responsible for the general marketing of the society and bringing students to meetings.
Ensure members and prospective members feel welcome, maintain communication with members, and answer questions about the Society.
Make presentations about RES to as many classes as possible
Maintain an up-to-date record of current paid members and report this list to the President, Finance Director and the Corky McMillin Center Coordinator upon request.
Construct case study RSVP forms on Google Forms and forward the forms to the Marketing Director(s) for use in emails and online.
Create sign-in forms on Google Forms for the guest speaker events to keep track of who is coming and whether they have paid or not.
Set up tables at the guest speaker events for sign-in and food, and ensure that everything is put away after the event.
Send out text message reminders on Tuesday mornings to all students who sign up for them
Send out text message reminders to attendees of case studies, set up carpool, make sure all who signed up for case studies are paid members and oversee attendance at case studies.
Participate in tabling events.
Organize tabling events if the Marketing Director(s) are unable to do so.
Speak at different organizations, such as fraternities, business societies, etc. in order to bring awareness to RES.
Professional Development:
Help members with resumes, interviewing, and job searches.
E-mail members with job and internship opportunities as they arise.
Prospect for job opportunities using resources such as Craigslist, Aztec Career Connection, LinkedIn
Prospect for job opportunities by networking with guest speakers after they present
Follow up with guest speakers (very important)
Prospect for job opportunities by emailing all of our sponsors, also follow up with them.
Receive job/internship postings from business professionals and correspond with the senders of these postings.
After sending out a job opportunity, check in with an employer to see if the position got filled. If not filled, continue advertising
Maintain a database of available jobs and internships.
Work with Aztec Career Services to receive their job opportunities to send to members a well
Work closely with Programs to ensure sponsors’ job openings are being filled.
Work with the President to ensure an image of professionalism is maintained.
Work with Membership Director(s) in maintaining an up-to-date record of current paid members’ emails.
Attend weekly College of Business Council meetings, inform The Executive Board of any important information.
Programs Director:
Schedule Guest Speaker Events and Case Study Events.
Involves actively researching and going through a master list of contacts to find RE professionals from various sectors. Another important way to find potential speakers and case studies is to go to industry networking events with organizations like ULI and NAIOP.
Recruit company and or individual to speak and or provide a Case Study.
Maintain correspondence with Guest Speakers and Case Study contacts.
Relay details of Guest Speaker Events and Case Studies to the rest of the Executive Board as they become available.
Sponsorship Chair:
Obtain sponsors for the society beginning the summer before the new school year and throughout the school year.
Create and distribute an annual sponsorship packet.
Maintain sponsorship file, send to President upon request
Maintain sponsorship guideline binder for future Spornship Directors.
Work with the Financial Director in monitoring incoming sponsorships.
Work with AS and other relevant entities to ensure that sponsors are given receipts of donation
Send thank you notes to Donors and Industry Support
Update sponsorship binder and its contents for executive board transitions